Fiber Lace Eyelid Lift Kit Small

Fiber Lace Eyelid Lift Kit Small

Fiber Lace Eyelid Tape by Beauty Logic is the latest and the most popular advancement in cosmetic technology. Fiber Eyelid Tape addresses the most common concerns regarding eyelid cosmetics - hooded eyelids and droopy eyelids. With an extremely easy application, Fiber Eyelid Tape rejuvenates and revitalizes natural eye lines and folds, creating an immediate effect. As a non-surgical eye lift, the tape itself is near invisible and long lasting - easily retained and concealed by regular makeup.
⭐ Instantly lifts upper eyelids to give a more alert, youthful appearance
⭐ 100% natural
⭐Fits all eye shapes
⭐Works instantly
⭐Easy to applyLast for 10-12 hours
⭐Ultra invisible with no glare
⭐Extremely thin, lightweight and you can apply make up right on top of them
⭐Non surgical
1. 120 strips (over a month’s supply plus a few strips to practice with)
2. Latex Free Adhesive
3. Eyelid Shapen Tool
4. Plastic Tweezer
Small is perfect for small round eyes with slightly hooded, droopy and mono-eyelid

1.Gently dip and coat the strip in adhesive, making sure to cover the entire strip surface evenly

2. Remove coated eyelid fiber/strip using provided plastic tweezers

3. Carefully apply on eyelid and wait 10-15 seconds for the adhesive to set before pushing the eyelid into place.

4. Use eyelid Y rod tool and gently push the lace strip into the upper eyelid to achieve the lift