Aqua Lace Eyelid Lifting Kit Small

Aqua Lace Eyelid Lifting strips rejuvenate and revitalize natural eye lines and folds, Creating an immediate and dramatic effect. As a non-surgical eye lift, the strip itself is near invisible, which are designed to fit all eye shapes and long lasting - easily retained and concealed with or without makeup. Easy application, self - adhesive, no glue needed.
Instantly lifts upper eyelids to give a more alert, youthful appearance100% naturalFits all eye shapesWorks instantlyEasy to applyLast for 10-12 hours. Seen on social media and used by popular beauty influencers. Ultra invisible with no glare. Extremely thin, lightweight and you can apply make up right on top of them.
W: 7mm
L: 30mm
1. 120 strips (over a month’s supply plus a few strips to practice with)
2. Spray Bottle
3. Eyelid Shapen Tool
4. Plastic Tweezer
Small is perfect for small round eyes with slightly hooded, droopy and mono-eyelid

1. Spray

2. Apply

3. Lift